Malam itu, Nisa tidur tanpa ditemani Ibu. Kata Ibu, Nisa harus sudah berani tidur sendiri. Mulanya sih Nisa takut, tapi karena di luar banyak yang menemani, akhirnya Nisa jadi berani. Siapa sih, ya…
It's Friendship Day, but all of the friendship bracelets are missing. Swiper has swiped them! The bracelets won't glow unless everyone around the world has them! Join Dora and Swiper as they travel…
The Grumpy Old Troll was to his friend Mouse- and now he needs help from Dora and Boots for Mouse to forgive him. But what should he say? Join Dora and Boots as they help the Troll, and learn all a…
It's time to Dora's checkup at the denthist. Dora explorer the denthist officem gets her teeth cleaned, and more! she even gets a special treat being such a good patient!
Tujuh Orang Kerdil ingin memberi Snow White hadiah Istimewa. Happy dengan murah hati membantu teman-temannya... sampai ia sendiri tak punya hadiah untuk diberikan kepada sang putri